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Master of Arts in Global, International and Comparative History (Georgetown University)什么意思

中文全称: 伟大的艺术家在全球,国际比较历史(乔治敦大学)
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Measuring and Accounting Intellectual Capital (EU)计量和财务知识资本(欧盟) Master of Arts in Global, International and Comparative History (Georgetown University)伟大的艺术家在全球,国际比较历史(乔治敦大学) Multimission Advanced Ground Intelligent ControlMultimission先进的地面的智能控制 Model of Acidification of Groundwater in Catchments模型的地下水酸化汇水区 Mobile Army Ground Imagery Interception Center移动军队地面意象拦截的中心 Mobile Action Global Interactive Control全球互动控制行动移动 Master Activity General Information & Control (Files)主人活动的一般信息和控制(文件) Making a Great Impression on the Customer做一个伟大的印象 MEECN (Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network) Airborne Ground Improved CommunicationsMEECN(最低必要急救通讯网络)空降地沟通 Merced Automated Global Information System1852年自动化的全球信息系统 Missile Agil De Combat导弹Agil德作战 Marine Air/Ground Intelligence Cell海上的空气/地面智能手机 Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov (telescope)主要的大气γ成像契伦科夫(望远镜) Marathon , Genetics, Inflammation and the Cardiovascular system (trial)马拉松、遗传学、炎症和心血管系统(试行)》 Microcomputer Application of Graphics & Interactive Communication微电脑程序的图形和交互式的交流
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