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fling into临近单词

fling into的相关资料

flingvt.投;粗暴地推向 ...;猛冲;激动地说;全身心投入n.投掷;一时的行乐;漫不经心的一段(尝试或感情)vi.急冲;(动物)猛跳

fling ourselves into the breachvt.救人于危难之境

fling oneself at someone's head理发店招牌

fling oneself on sb's compassion巴伯里欧试剂

fling oneself on someone's mercy巴伯里欧氏试验

fling oneself into one's clothes

fling oneself upon someone's mer

fling oneself on one's compassion

fling something in someone's face通常胃蠕虫

fling oneself upon someone's mercy

fling oneself upon one's compassion

fling into怎么读 fling into是什么意思
v. 投入;急派
fling into的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译
  • 把(某物)随便扔进(某物或某处); 使(某人)掉进(水)里或(洞)中; 把(某人)关进(监狱)
fling into的用法和样例
用作动词 (v.)
  1. I dropped the letter into the mail-box.
  2. He flung himself into the election campaign.
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