To resolve these problems, two kinds of statistical resampling methods are employed in this thesis in order to find more exact probability distributions of these random parameters. 为了避免这些缺憾,本研究采用两种重新抽样方法来求得裂缝成长参数的机率分布,据以应用于随机疲劳裂缝成长之模拟与可靠度之评估。
The decarbonization rate distribution was researched using a decarbonzing electric furnace and a high temperature well furnace. 采用脱碳电炉和高温井式炉研究的焦炭的失碳率分布。
It takes into account both the ensemble otherness of members and probability distributing of precipitation. 这个方法既考虑了集合成员总体的差异性又考虑了降水的概率分布。
The paper discusses the probability distributions of the time till killing a target and the duel duration. 摘要本文研究毁伤目标所需时间与格斗持续时间的概率分布。
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