On the other hand, Bergson's rival, Bertrand Russell, was willing to humor the Chinese and therefore invited him over for tea.From then on Ch'u studied mathematical logic. 柏格森的敌人罗素肯敷衍中国人,请他喝过一次茶,他从此研究数理逻辑。
The tool Mr Barth is employing to effect this transition is linear temporal logic, a system of mathematical logic that can express detailed constraints on the past and the future. 巴斯先生用来实现这一转化过程的工具是线性时序逻辑,一种可以表达过去和未来的详细约束的数理逻辑系统。
George Boole was an English mathematician who helped establish the field of mathematics called symbolic logic. 乔治布尔是一名曾帮助建立数学邻域中逻辑符号的英国数学家。
Besides the linear notations for logic, reaschers in artificial intelligence have developed graphic notations called semantic networks. 除了线性逻辑符号,人工智能研究者还为逻辑开发了图形符号,叫做语义网络。