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Santa Ana英英释义

Santa Ana的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译
  1. a strong hot dry wind that blows in winter from the deserts of southern California toward the Pacific Coast

  2. Mexican general who tried to crush the Texas revolt and who lost battles to Winfield Scott and Zachary Taylor in the Mexican War (1795-1876)

  3. a city in southern California to the east of Long Beach

  4. a city in western El Salvador

Santa Ana怎么读 Santa Ana是什么意思
圣安娜焚风; 圣安娜(美国加利福尼亚南部一城市); 圣安娜(萨尔瓦多西部一城市)
Santa Ana的相关资料
  • Santa Anna圣大安纳
  • Santa Ana的用法和样例
    1. The turning point, perhaps, was when I moved in with my grandparents here in Santa Ana, the county seat of Orange, California.
    2. The turning point, perhaps, was when I moved in with my grandparents here in Santa Ana, the county seat of Orange, California.
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