Exotic plants significantly impacted the landscape, resulting in degradation of the natural vegetation. 由于自然植被被严重破坏,岛屿上外来入侵种形成了较大的灾害。
More and more people are building homes near natural vegetation and in wildlands, exposing themselves to the devastation that natural fire cycles can cause. 更多人的家重新建筑靠近自然植被和在荒野,遗弃他们担心破坏地区因为天然火灾的周期可能再现。
It is suitable for developing undersized hydroelectric station.There are a thick forest, good natural vegetation and abundant precipitation. 流域内林木茂密,天然植被良好,雨量充沛,是吉林省雨量较多的地区。
It is probably the ultimate channel for bringing the scourge of sand under permanent control to change from artificial vegetation to natural vegetation as soon as possible. 人工植被尽快向大面积天然植被过度,也许是根治沙害的终极途径。