He decided to retire from the world after his busy life as an actor. 演艺生涯结束后他决定遁世隐居。
King Wangchuk transformed Bhutan from one of the world's mostreclusive poor countries to one of its more enlightened. 旺楚克国王将不丹从一个世界上最穷困的遁世之国转变成一个相对文明之地。
The hermit abided in the village. 那隐士住在村中。
The old recluse was very cagey about her past life. 老隐士对自己过去的生活守口如瓶。
He became a monk because he was disillusioned with the world. 他因看破红尘而出家了。
The main objective is to train the novice monks to enable them to propagate the Dhamma everywhere in the world. 我们的主要的目,就是训练这些刚出家的法师能够让他们在世界各地弘法。