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pull up词汇搭配

pull up的用法和样例
  • pull upv.(使)停下;拔起
  • pull up treesvi.取得大成就(完成大事业)
  • pull up by the rootsvt.连根拔起(根除)
  • pull up one's socksn.斯凯拉特
  • pull up one's slacks箭侧垫
  • pull up stakes迁离, 搬家, 收摊子
  • pull up toadj.追上(赶上)
  • pull up one's roots乌奴龙胆
  • pull up shortvt.突然停住
  • pull up怎么读 pull up是什么意思
    ['pʊlˌʌp] ['pʊlˌʌp] ['pʊlˌʌp] ['pʊlˌʌp]
    v. (使)停下;拔起
    pull up的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译
    1. come to a halt after driving somewhere;

      "The Rolls pulled up on pour front lawn"
      "The chauffeur hauled up in front of us"

    2. straighten oneself;

      "He drew himself up when he talked to his superior"

    3. cause (a vehicle) to stop;

      "He pulled up the car in front of the hotel"

    4. remove, usually with some force or effort; also used in an abstract sense;

      "pull weeds"
      "extract a bad tooth"
      "take out a splinter"
      "extract information from the telegram"

    pull up的相关资料
  • excavatev.挖掘;挖开;发掘(古物)
  • draw up拟定; 起草; 停住; 画出
  • straighten up使整齐;整理 阐明 挺直
  • pull outv.拔出;离开,出发,起程;恢复健康;逃避责任,背约;取出,出示,拿出;(汽车或列车)开出;拉长,拖长;摆脱困境,渡过难关
  • take outvt.取出;拔掉;去掉;出发;发泄vi.开始
  • draw out抽出; 拉出; 拉长; 取出
  • pullv.拉;拖;牵;拔;吸引n.拉;拉力;引力;划船;影响力
  • extractvt.摘录;提取;拔出;榨出;选取[计算机] 提取.n.摘录;精华;榨出物
  • haul upvt.举起;使船头更近风向;迎风行驶
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