Output shaft when the swing set in the center of rotation on the trip-down, design may also need to set rotation angles and movements itinerary. 出力轴在摆动时可设定在旋转行程的中心点上停动,也可依设计需要设定旋转角度和升降行程。
After the river channel shifted, the discharging center of pressure was generated from the seabed erosion, on which the diapir came into being. 黄河口摆动后,海底快速冲刷,在最大冲刷中心也是最大压力释放中心刺穿体形成,随着海洋侵蚀速率减缓,刺穿作用将逐渐减弱,最终将被冲刷消亡。
center of oscillation怎么读 center of oscillation是什么意思