A new type of porous sound absorbing material was made from super-strength gypsum and glass fiber. 摘要以高强石膏为胶凝材料,内掺玻璃纤维,制备出一种新型多孔吸声材料。
The paper chooses the appropriate muffler,and experiments with the capability of sound absorption material,and designs the dustproof project. 本文通过选择合适的消声器以及吸声材料实验和防尘方案的设计。
A new type of porous sound absorbing material was made from super-strength gypsum and glass fiber. 摘要以高强石膏为胶凝材料,内掺玻璃纤维,制备出一种新型多孔吸声材料。
The paper chooses the appropriate muffler,and experiments with the capability of sound absorption material,and designs the dustproof project. 本文通过选择合适的消声器以及吸声材料实验和防尘方案的设计。
Under the bowl there is a sound-absorbing material. 水缸下面有隔音材料。
The studio's soundproof material is imported from Germany. 这家录音室的隔音材料是德国进口的。
Rubber surrounding and quality dampening material enhances good reproduction and a long life. 其橡胶盆架和高品质吸音材料使其具有更强的声学还原性和更长的使用寿命。