freshwater fishes of tropical America and Africa and Asia similar to American sunfishes; some are food fishes; many small ones are popular in aquariums
Live Aquarium - Enjoy the soothing effects and colorful cichlid fish in my my 55 gallon online fish tank. 水族馆在线直播-欣赏我的55加仑鱼缸里华美的热带淡水鱼,令人惬意。
The Blood parrot (also known as bloody parrot and blood parrotfish) is a hybrid cichlid. 血鹦鹉又名“血鹦嘴鱼”,是一种杂种丽鱼科鱼。
The present favourite is the evolution of cichlid fish in African lakes, where the question of reproductive isolation is much more complex. 目前最喜欢提到的例子是非洲湖泊中鲷鱼的进化,该例子中生殖隔离问题相当复杂。