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terra alba是什么意思 terra alba怎么读

terra alba的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译
  1. finely pulverized gypsum used especially as a pigment

  2. fine white clay used in making tobacco pipes and pottery and in whitening leather

  3. a fine usually white clay formed by the weathering of aluminous minerals (as feldspar); used in ceramics and as an absorbent and as a filler (e.g., in paper)

terra alba的相关资料
  • china stone瓷石,半风化花岗岩
  • china clayn.瓷土
  • kaolinen.高岭土
  • porcelain clayn.瓷土
  • kaolinn.高岭土
  • pipeclay(造烟管或皮革用的)白粘土,[喻](军队对服装等的)严格要求
  • 字母T开头的缩写
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