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darning needle词汇搭配

darning needle的用法和样例
darning needle怎么读 darning needle是什么意思
n. 补缀用针; <美><方>蜻蜓
darning needle的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译
  1. a long needle with an eye large enough for heavy darning or embroidery thread

  2. slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest; adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.

darning needle的相关资料
  • sewing needlen.缝合针;缝纫机针;缝纫针
  • dragonflyn.蜻蜓
  • devil's darning needle蜻蜓
  • mosquito hawkn.蜻蜓
  • snake doctordragonfly
  • 字母D开头的缩写
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