Snakes are abominable to him.他非常讨厌蛇。
snakebite from venomous species毒蛇咬伤
snake venom nerve growth factor蛇毒神经生长因子
Snake Torpedo Destruction System蛇型鱼雷摧毁系统
Snakes are omnivorous animals.蛇是一种杂食动物。
Snakes hiss when they're angry.血管滤器
snake venom antithrombotic enzyme蛇毒抗栓酶
snakes shooting out their tongues吐芯的蛇
Snakes have a cylindrical Body.蛇的身体是圆柱形的。
"the hell of battle"
"the inferno of the engine room"
"when you're alone Christmas is the pits"