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second-hand是什么意思 second-hand怎么读

名词 second hand:
  1. an intermediate person; used in the phrase `at second hand'

  2. hand marking seconds on a timepiece

形容词 secondhand:
  1. derived from what is primary or original; not firsthand

  2. previously used or owned by another

副词 second hand:
  1. from a source of previously owned goods

  2. by indirect means

  • indirectlyadv.间接地
  • circuitously曲折地
  • usedadj.使用过的;二手的;习惯的动词use的过去式和过去分词.
  • hand-me-downadj.传下来的;别人用过的;廉价而劣质的n.传下来的东西
  • second-hand的用法和样例
  • second-hand shop寄卖<旧货>商店; ph. 旧货店
  • at second handadv.第二手地,间接地
  • second-hand equipment二手设备
  • second-hand smoken.间接吸烟
  • second hand packing旧包装
  • sweep second hand长秒针
  • second-hand machinery旧机器
  • second handn.中间人;助手;旧货n.秒针
  • second-hand tap中丝锥
  • second hand tap中丝锥
  • 字母S开头的缩写
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