This saphire deposit is occurred in the Holocene alluvium. 矿床赋存于全新统冲积层。
Reportedly, the site is mainly underlain by alluvial deposits of Quaternary Age comprising sand and clay. 据报道,站点由主要强调包括沙子和黏土的四个一组的年龄冲积层。
The Green River Formation of Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah contains alluvial fan deposits and playa evaporites created in a huge lake whose level fluctuated for millions of years. 科罗拉多,怀俄明州和犹他州的绿色河形成含有扇形冲积物和在一个长达数百万年水面涨落的巨大湖中产生的沙漠盆地蒸发盐。