Just as Achilles turned to leave,the faithless Paris took out a poisoned arrow and shot at his heel from behind. 阿基里斯刚转身要走,不守信用的帕利斯拿出毒箭从后面射中了他的脚后跟。
Terra Hex lining in the heel and forefoot displaces strikes from sharp terrain, a wide toe box won't destroy your toes even when you're cruising downhill. 大地六角衬里的脚后跟和前脚取代罢工从急剧地形,大脚趾方块不会破坏你的脚趾头,即使您巡航下坡。
I think Frank's vanity is his Achilles' heel. 我认为虚荣自负是弗兰克的致命弱点。
The goalkeeper is the heel of Achille in this team. 这支球队的致命弱点就在于没有优秀的守门员。
Last year, our rivals had a speed advantage and their Achilles heel was reliability. 去年,我们的对手在速度上拥有优势,而要害则是在可靠性上。
As a team they're strong on attack but they have a weak defence that might prove to be their Achilles' heel. 作为一支球队,他们的攻击力很强,但薄弱的防守也许是他们的要害。