A computer message system linking major banks. 连接主要银行的计算机信息系统。
System management is becoming the No.1 IS problem. 系统管理成为头号的信息系统问题。
What does an information system do for human beings to justify its cost? 资讯系统为人类做了什麽,以证明其成本是有效的?
Dangerous Goods Information System has been developed to monitor all vessels carrying dangerous goods in Hong Kong waters. 危险货物资讯系统已经设立,以监察所有在香港水域运载危险货物的船舶。
The neural network is an information solution system to simulate the brain structure &function. 神经网络是一种模拟大脑结构和机能的信息处理系统。
By means of bioelectrical methods, we have discovered a series of opposing phenomena of brain activities in modeled space enviroment and information processing systems. 本文论述应用生物电方法在模拟航天环境和信息处理系统中发现的脑功能的一系列对抗现象。