If you lose your balance between two rooftops, you would be splattered on the asphalt. 但如果你在两幢大楼的楼顶失去平衡,你就会跌到沥青路上摔个粉身碎骨。
At the end of the long asphalt road, the car turned right, onto a wider street, passing enormous mounds of construction material. 在那条长长的沥青路尽头,车向右拐弯,开过大堆的建筑材料上了一条公路。
They're walking on the asphalt road. 他们正行走在柏油路上。
In China the road was a pristine strip of asphalt, scarred only by the occasional rockfall. 在中国境内,这条公路是清一色的柏油路,只是偶尔有山石滚落损坏了公路。