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burning bush近反义词

burning bush的相关资料
  • Euonymus atropurpureus[医] 美[紫]卫矛
  • Kochia scoparia地肤
  • summer cypressn.【植物;植物学】地肤;地肤(Kochia scoparia)
  • fraxinellan.白藓的一种
  • belvederen.望楼;亭子;观景楼
  • gas plant煤气发生装置,气体分馏装置
  • wahoon.火树;翅榆;刺鲅int.<西>喂;嗨(用于表达情感);啊哈
  • dittanyn.白藓属的植物;薄荷花的一种
  • burning bush怎么读 burning bush是什么意思
    卫矛属(Euonymus)植物,=gas plant
    burning bush的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译
    1. (Old Testament) the bush that burned without being consumed and from which God spoke to Moses

    2. deciduous shrub having purple capsules enclosing scarlet seeds

    3. Eurasian perennial herb with white flowers that emit flammable vapor in hot weather

    4. densely branched Eurasian plant; foliage turns purple-red in autumn

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