When the counter-revolution set in, there was very little resolute struggle. 当反革命到来时,很少坚决的斗争。
He set his teeth and his gray eyes fairly snapped their determination. 他咬紧牙齿,灰色的眼光里闪出了坚决的意志。
用作名词 (n.)
Most of the dead were thought to be Hamas militiamen and police, but there were civilian casualties too. 大多数死亡的人被认为是哈马斯的民兵和警察,但也有拼命的伤亡。
A four-year-old Chicago boy is dead and two Rottweilers and a poodle have been euthanized .One or more of the dogs mauled the boy to death in his backyard on Sunday. 周日一名四岁的芝加哥男孩在他家后院遭到一只或更多只犬的攻击而死亡,两只罗特威尔犬及一只贵宾犬被实施安乐死。