WIabbr.威斯康星州(=Wisconsin)abbr.熟铁(=wrought iron)abbr.西印度群岛(=West Indies)
Wien Aged Service Vocational School维也纳老年人服务专业学校
Wijs rs iodine monochloride solution维伊斯-氯化碘溶液
wiring harness end breakage clincher线束断头夹子
Wikimedia Board of Trustees election维基媒体基金会理事会选举
Wieland theory of hydrogen activation[医] 维兰德氏氢激活学说
Wilhelmy plate/Du Nouy ring method吊环法/吊片法
Wikinews articles are not editorials.维基新闻的文章不是社论。
Wilhelmina - I'm just saying...
Wilhelmina's notes are already inside.
Wikipedia works by building consensus.维基百科通过构筑共识来运作。