thecodine二羟可待因, 蒂可定
theart.那;这;这些;那些adv.(用于比较级前)更加;用于最高级前;(用于形容词、副词比较级前)越 ... 越 ...
the Web-based formative assessment基于网络的形成性评价
the leading system of meaningfulness主导意义系统
the oht northeastern industrial base东北老工业基地
the requirement for college entrance入(大)学的条件
The service is already registered.服务器已经注册。
the building of documental resources文献资源建设
The decimal representation of the.属性的小数表示形式。
the West African stabilization force西非稳定部队
The portrait piqued her curiosity.这幅肖像引起她的好奇
TheD-wolves did not change pace.狼步伐稳定不变。