Excision of lesion of conjunctiva结膜病损切除术
excitatory postsynaptic potential兴奋性突触后电位
Excision of glomus jugulare tumor颈静脉球肿瘤切除术
Excusing me me didn't discover.面骨切除活组织检查
Excisional biopsy of blood vessel血管切除活组织检查
Excision of endometrial synechiae子宫内膜粘连切除术
Excision of intra-abdominal mass腹内肿块切除术
excision of intraventricular tumor脑室内肿瘤切除术
Excision of appendix of epididymis附睾附件切除术
Excision of fibroadenoma of breast乳房纤维腺瘤切除术
"The sinners will be tormented in Hell, according to the Bible"