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Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge什么意思

中文全称: 环境教育知识分享
词条简介: The SEEK directory works as a clearinghouse for all types of environmental education resources, from articles to lesson plans, from performances to displays, and many more. These resources come from a variety of organizations throughout Minnesota, including schools and colleges, government agencies, libraries and businesses.
Software Engineering Education Knowledge软件工程教育的知识 Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge环境教育知识分享 Secure Electronic Exchange of Keys (CIDEC-MLS)安全的电子交易所(CIDEC-MLS键) Summer Enrichment Education for Kids教育对小孩子。夏天浓缩 Survival, Escape & Evasion Kit生存、逃避、规避组件 Sheffield Evidence For Effectiveness And Knowledge雨刷伯的有效性和知识的证据 Structured Educational Experiences For Kids教育经历为孩子。结构化 Saving Earth's Environment through Knowledge拯救地球的环境,通过知识 Sophomores Endeavoring To Expand Knowledge努力扩大大二的知识 Summer Events For Exceptional Kampers夏天Kampers特殊事件 Shared Employee Expertise and Knowledge具有丰富的专业知识和知识共享的员工 Students Exploring Employment Knowledge学生探索就业知识
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