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-coated是什么意思 -coated怎么读

['kəʊtɪd] ['kəʊtɪd] ['kəʊtɪd] ['kəʊtɪd]
adj.外套的;与表示颜色的形容词;或服装类型的词连用;形成形容词形容某种外套; comb. 表示"有...层的"
动词 coat:
  1. put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface

  2. cover or provide with a coat

  3. form a coat over

形容词 coated:
  1. having a coating; covered with an outer layer or film; often used in combination

  2. having or dressed in a coat

用作形容词 (adj.)
  1. The blue coated rabbit sat up with pricked ears.
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