The inmate outwitted his guards and escaped. 囚犯骗过警卫逃跑了。
Use this only if a few Guards are near!ait isn! 只可在警卫不多的地方使用这个技巧!
Billy is a police dog that guards the arsenal. 比利是一条看守军火库的军犬。
The prisoner broke away from his guards. 囚犯从看守者手中逃脱了。
The Warthog Guards reappear along with the Stone Statues who now begin to move and claw at him. 这时,野猪护卫队再一次出现,跟着它们的是那些石头雕像,而此时的雕像已经可以活动,并抓住了王子。
Blackwater officials say the guards were protecting diplomats when they came under fire, but Iraqi investigators concluded the shooting spree was unprovoked. 黑水公司领导称,护卫队是在保护外交官安全时才采取射击行动的,但伊拉克调查员则认定这次胡乱的开枪完全是毫无缘由的。