[C] 翼,翅膀either of the pair of parts that a bird, insect, bat, etc. used to fly
[C] 翅膀,机翼part that projects from the side of an aircraft and supports it in the air
[C] 侧厅,耳房part of building that projects from the main part
[C] 侧翼either of the planks of an army lined up for battle
[S] 派,翼part of an organization
[C] 边侧,边锋队员side part of the playing area in football, hockey, etc.; either of the forward players whose place is at the extreme end of the forward line
[P] 飞行徽章pilot's badge
[P] 舞台上观众看不到的侧面area to the right and left of the stage that is hidden from the audience by curtains, scenery, etc.