The children's faces were brightened up when they saw their parents appear at the gate of the kindergarten. 当孩子们看到家长们出现在幼儿园门口时,都喜形于色。
The blood drained from her face as she learned what had happened. 当她得知所发生的一切时,脸色煞白。
Her pale face betrayed her fear. 她苍白的脸显露出她的恐惧。
She could not help her tears of gratitude rolling down her face. 她感激的泪珠禁不住沿着面颊流了下来。
His red hair hung down upon his white face. 他的红发披在他那惨白的脸上。
The wind blew on his face. 风迎面吹来。
His face beamed with delight when he heard that the first prize was to give to him. 他听到头等奖给他时面露喜色。
The children stared at the lion, all the colour draining from their faces. 孩子们目不转睛地盯着狮子,个个面如土色。
When she came to, friendly faces were bending over her. 她苏醒过来时看到一张张友好的脸低下来望着她。
His scheme blew up in his face after all, despite his optimism. 尽管他乐观,他的计划一下子失败也使他丢脸。
The face of the town will be completely changed before long. 这个城镇的面貌不久将彻底改变。
I cannot call his face back. 我记不起他的相貌了。
The face of the building is covered with climbing plants. 建筑物的正面被攀缘植物所覆盖。
He knew he was wrong, but would not admit it, for fear of losing face. 他明知自己错了,不过因为怕丢脸而不肯承认罢了。
The difficulty is how to admit the mistake without losing face. 难就难在既要承认错误又要不失面子。
用作动词 (v.)
All the houses there face south. 那里所有房子都朝南。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
He turned and faced us. 他转过身面向我们。
She sat on Mother's right, facing Mary. 她坐到妈妈右边,脸朝着玛丽。
He feels nervous when he faces so many people. 面对那么多人,他感到紧张。
He sat facing the door. 他面对着门坐着。
The building faces the street. 这座楼面对大街。
My house faces the sea. 我家的房子向着大海。
It faces the Atlantic on the east and the Pacific on the west. 它东临大西洋,西临太平洋。
After such conduct she dare not face me. 她做了这件事以后不敢见我。
I'm ashamed to face people now,I've had such bad results. 我取得的成果这么差,现在我都没脸见人了。
She did not want to face those people again . 她不愿意再和那些人见面。
The next day, not wishing to face their teacher, they shut themselves up in their room. 第二天,由于不想见到他们的老师,他们关着门全天都呆在屋里。
Our school faced unprecedented difficulties. 我们学校碰到了前所未有的困难。
We still face arduous struggles. 我们面前还有艰苦的斗争。
The army often faced a serious shortage of food. 那时部队常常粮食缺得很厉害。
We must face hard work and difficulties. 我们必须正视艰难困苦。
We must face these difficulties squarely and overcome them. 我们必须正视困难,加以克服。
Face danger!Don't be afraid! 面对危险,不要害怕!
What gave him the courage to face such dangers? 是什么使他有勇气面对这些危险?
We must face the facts. 我们必须面对现实。
He was prepared to face the consequences. 他准备承担后果。
We share common experiences and face common tasks. 我们有共同的经历,也面临共同的任务。
He was ready to face both death and torture. 他准备好面对死亡和酷刑。
The soldiers faced death bravely. 那些士兵们视死如归。
The big problem that faced them was the lack of manpower. 他们面临的大问题是缺少人手。
They are facing a grave economic crisis. 他们面临严重的经济危机。
We can never rest content. New and greater tasks face us. 我们绝不能满足现状,我们面前还有新的更大的任务。
By getting down to all these jobs, we can certainly overcome the difficulties facing us. 认真进行这些工作,我们就一定能克服面前的困难。
The boy was caught cheating in the examination and had to face the music. 这个男生考试作弊被抓住,因此只得接受处罚。
If we are going to be punished,I don't want to face the music alone. 假如我们要受罚,我可不愿一个人去承担。
Recognizing that the whole thing was his fault, he decided to face the music. 他认识到这事全怪自己,便决定承担责任。
You may manage to get away with these dishonest practices for a while, but sooner or later you will be discovered, and then you will have to face the music. 你干这些不老实的勾当,可能一时得逞,但迟早要露马脚的,那时就要自食其果了。
Arriving at the top of the hill, we were faced by a most impressive scene. 到达山顶时,呈现在我们面前的是一片令人惊叹的景色。
S+~+ v -ing
I could not face going there alone. 我不敢单独去那里。
其他v -ing as Attrib.
It has a large window facing east. 它有一个朝东的大窗子。
Thus they have correctly solved the urgent problems facing them. 他们就这样正确地解决了摆在他们面前的紧迫问题。