He is proof against bribery.他不受贿赂。
He strapped up his suitcase.他用皮带及搭扣束住了手提皮箱。
He was disfeatured by burns.他因烧伤而被毁容。
He is charged with vagrancy.他曾被指控做流浪者。
He was a practiced musician.他是一位演技娴熟的音乐家。
He was accredited to Madrid.他被委任为驻马德里的大使。
He has no consistent policy.他没有一贯的政策。
He is eminent among scientists他在科学家中是闻名的。
He runs for the senatorship.他参加参议员总统竞选。
He is unlearned in politics.他不精通政治。