School teaching, however good, can only make a beginning and create a desire for further advance. 学校教育无论怎样好,只能是开一个好头,唤起学生进一步提高的愿望。
He had been taken to see several of the bosses, with the result that one had promised him a job the beginning of the next week. 他已经接受了很多个老板的面试,其中一个答应下星期初给他安排工作。
That was the beginning of my troubles. 我的麻烦开始了。
I missed the beginning of the film. 我没能看到那部影片的开头。
You have the beginnings of a double chin. 你已经开始有双下巴了。
But it was only a small beginning. 但这件事开头规模很小。
Start at the beginning and play the piece again. 从头开始,这段再弹一遍。
The beginning of the trip was dull. 旅游的一开始就很乏味。
A good beginning makes a good ending. 良好的开端创造良好的结果。
It is a good beginning. 这是个良好的开端。
You've made a good beginning. 你已经作出了良好的开端。
When studying a foreign language, it is important to make a good beginning. 当学习一种外语时,重要的是要有一个良好的开端。
It was an excellent beginning of the story. 从头讲这个故事吧。
The idea of the airplane had its beginning with study of the flight of birds. 制造飞机的想法起源于对鸟类的研究。
Did democracy have its beginnings in Athens? 民主制度是创始于雅典吗?
Many big businesses start from small beginnings. 很多大企业都是从小企业起步的。
This industry had its beginning in 1864. 这门工业创办于1864年。