indium phosphide single crystal磷化铟单晶
indanthrene brilliant orange RK阴丹士林亮橙RK
induration of corpora cavernosa海绵体硬结
indices of pavement performance路用性能指标
indanthrene brilliant orange GR阴丹士林亮橙GR
indium antimonide photoresistor锑化铟光敏电阻
indanthrene brilliant orange GK阴丹士林亮橙GK
indwelling intravenous catheter留置静脉内导管
"a callous indifference to suffering"
"cold-blooded and indurate to public opinion"
"indurated customs"
"The cold hardened the butter"
"The wax hardened"
"He was inured to the cold"