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mil 词汇搭配

  • per mil每千
  • mil.m/tabbr.=million metric tons 百万公吨
  • mil.(=milliliter) 毫升
  • circular mil圆密耳
  • mil footn.密尔尺
  • square mil平方密耳
  • angular mil角密耳
  • mil 怎么读 mil 是什么意思
    [mɪl] [mɪl] [mɪl] [mɪl]
    n. 千分之一英寸;毫升;立方厘米;<俚> 一百万美元(=million)
    abbr. 军队的(=military)
    1. a Cypriot monetary unit equal to one thousandth of a pound

    2. a Swedish unit of length equivalent to 10 km

    3. a unit of length equal to one thousandth of an inch; used to specify thickness (e.g., of sheets or wire)

    4. a metric unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter

    5. an angular unit used in artillery; equal to 1/6400 of a complete revolution

  • MLn.机器语言(材料单;最大可能性)
  • Swedish mile瑞典里
  • cubic centimetern.立方厘米
  • CCabbr.复写的副本(=carbon copy)abbr.立方厘米(=cubic centimetre(s))
  • millilitern.毫升;千分之一公升
  • cubic centimetren.立方厘米
  • millilitren.毫升;千分之一公升=milliliter
  • milen.英里;海里;一英里赛跑
  • 字母M开头的缩写
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