At last the global convergence is obtained. 最后给出全局收敛性分析。
This paper establishes convergence properties of a new algorithm. 本文论证了一种新算法的收敛性。
The picture is filled with different sizes and shapes of the pointer, the common feature is their convergence, as if attracted. 画面布满了大小不一,形状各异的指针,其共同的特征就是汇聚一处,像是被什么吸引住。
When this convergence occurs, the individual voltage blips pile up, increasing the strength of the signal, thus making a stronger connection among the neurons involved. 讯号一旦可以汇聚起来,各个小电位就可以加乘在一起,让讯号变大,进而加强参与其中的神经元连线。
We finally found out the town at the convergence of two rivers. 我们最终找到了位于两条河流汇合处的城镇。