The Board of Education accounts for about a fourth of the city's budget. For1989, Mr.Koch proposed to spend$123 million on new and expanded programs, bringing the board's total budget to$6.3 billion. 教育局约占全市预算的四分之一。葛德华先生提出将在1989年度花费1亿2300万元在新添及扩大的项目,使该局全部预算达到63亿元。
In AS/400, ability to work in the system or ability to work with other devices or programs. 在AS/400系统中进行工作的能力,或说和其它设备或程序协同工作的能力。
The video is programmed to switch on at ten o'clock. 电视机设定在10点钟自动打开。
An instruction sequence in programmed instruction. 指令程序编排指令中的指令次序