The scope of the Insolvency Fund Scheme and the claims and settlement procedures will largely be the same as those under the existing ECAS. 无力偿还债务基金计划的范围,以及申索和结算程序大体上会与现时的雇员补偿援助计划相同。
But, like a borrower whose insolvency would bring down a bank, he may calculate that much of his former backers' anger is bluster, covering a fear of their own impotence. 但是,就像一位借款人一样,无力偿还会让银行倒闭,穆萨拉夫可能盘算着,他以前的支持者的强烈的愤概只不过是恐吓,以掩盖他们自身的无能。
The company is in a state of insolvency. 公司处于破产状态。
The idea of my insolvency cooled down her flames immediately. 一想到我破产了,她的热情顿时冷却。