Rich old men often like to be surrounded by nubile young women. 一些上了年纪的富翁总喜欢被到了适婚年龄的年轻女人围绕。
Mind you, nearly more than 50% of my friends who are far beyond their nubile age are still unmarried. 事实上,我半数以上的朋友都已经远远过了适婚年龄却还是孤身一人。
He got a photograph of a nubile young woman. 他拿到了一张妙龄女郎的艳照。
I rather enjoy looking at a nubile beautiful yoga teacher posing in front of me, as I try desperately to imitate her flexibility. 我也喜欢看美女瑜伽老师在我前面伸展,教傻傻的我怎么放我的手放我的腿。