The king is the most important person in a kingdom. 国王是一个王国中最重要的人物。
用作形容词 (adj.)
You can also get a glimpse of the King of All Teas. 还可以一睹茶中之王的风采。
So the servants of king Hezekiah came to Isaiah. 希西家王的臣仆就来到以赛亚那里。
The king is the most important person in a kingdom. 国王是一个王国中最重要的人物。
Mufasa, the lion king is telling Simba, his son, an important rule of life. 森林之王木法沙告诉小狮子辛巴一条重要的生命法则。
用作名词 (n.)
The black horse is one of Mr. King's stable. 那匹黑马是金先生的赛马之一。
Mr King has many clerks in his employ. 金先生雇用了许多办事员。
God save King George and loyalty! 上帝保佑乔治国王和他忠实的臣民。
Repentance clears the way for our relationship with the King. 悔改能清除我们与上帝之间的障碍。
It was the crown of the King of kings Jesus. 它是万王之王耶稣所戴的冠冕。
Having left Jerusalem behind, they must not deviate from the path marked out by the true King, as they follow Jesus. 离开耶路撒冷后,他们不会离开真正的君王指示给他们的途径,他们跟随的是耶稣。