Excision of bronchial lymph nodes支气管淋巴结切除术
Excision of arteriovenous fistula动静脉瘘切除术
Excision of lesion of nasopharynx鼻咽病损切除术
Excision of lesion of pericardium心包病损切除术
Excision of urethrovaginal septum尿道阴道中隔切除术
Excision of aberrant renal artery迷走肾动脉切除术
Excisional biopsy of lacrimal sac泪囊切除活组织检查
Excisional biopsy of pineal gland松果体切除活组织检查
"excogitate a way to measure the speed of light"
"I mulled over the events of the afternoon"
"philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years"
"The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate"