"absolute freedom"
"an absolute dimwit"
"a downright lie"
"out-and-out mayhem"
"an out-and-out lie"
"a rank outsider"
"many right-down vices"
"got the job through sheer persistence"
"sheer stupidity"
"plain water"
"sheer wine"
"not an unmixed blessing"
"a bluff headland"
"where the bold chalk cliffs of England rise"
"a sheer descent of rock"
"a hat with a diaphanous veil"
"filmy wings of a moth"
"gauzy clouds of dandelion down"
"gossamer cobwebs"
"sheer silk stockings"
"transparent chiffon"
"vaporous silks"
"he fell sheer into the water"
"The car cut to the left at the intersection"
"The motorbike veered to the right"
"She sheered her car around the obstacle"