At this moment on the ridge, up against the blazing sky, a flgure was visible, like the black snuff in the midst of a candle flame. 恰在此时,在那山岗上,在那阳光绚丽的天际出现了一个身影,就象蜡烛火焰中的一个黑色烛花。
用作动词 (v.)
He leant forward and snuffed the candle. 他俯下身掐灭了蜡烛。
His dad snuffed it a couple of years ago. 他爸爸两年前就吹灯了。
Moreover, such protests as have taken place have been easy to snuff out. 而且,已经发生的这种抗议很容易遭到扼杀。
The dog came over and snuffed at her feet. 那条狗跑过来,用力嗅她的脚。