Yawning is a sign that you are sleepy or tired. 打呵欠表示你困了或是累了。
The researchers found that those who breathed through the nose rather than the mouth were less likely to yawn when watching a video of other people yawning. 研究人员发现,在看别人打呵欠的视频时,用鼻子呼吸的人比用口腔呼吸的人打呵欠的几率要小。
用作形容词 (adj.)
Although we associate yawning with sleepiness and boredom, its function appears to be to wake us up. 虽然我们把打哈欠与睡意和厌倦联系在一起,但打哈欠的作用似乎是使人清醒。
If you draw up on a coffee cup is yawning mouth, a cup of coffee ready when you wake up the brain when people see the cup but you will increase the hardship of Italy. 如果在咖啡杯上画上一张正在打哈欠的嘴,当你喝咖啡准备醒醒脑子的时候,别人看到你的杯子却会增加困意。