Austrian born psychoanalyst who lived in the United States; advocated sexual freedom and believed that cosmic energy could be concentrated in a human being (1897-1957)
But the Third Reich had passed into history. 但是第三帝国却成为历史。
By that date East and West Prussia were cut off from the Reich. 那时东西普鲁士同帝国的联系已经被切断。
The German radio blared each night that the Reich had no quarrel with France. 德国的无线电广播每天晚上大声疾呼,宣称德意志帝国与法国并无争执。
Until the Americans began to institute convoys and organizational tactics developed by the British, there was nothing to stop the Reich's submarines. 直到美国人开始重视护航舰队,组织英国人发展起来的战术后,德国的潜艇战势头才被遏制。