The educational investment really has a social effect of repressing the population growth. 教育投资确实具有抑制人口增长的社会效应。
The invisible investigation can resolve this problem better and carry out the purpose repressing corruption. 采用隐形化的侦查手段的可以较好的解决这一问题,实现抑制腐败的目的。
Mousavi went on to attack the government for repressing student protests.Mr. 此后莫萨维继续攻击政府镇压学生抗议的事件。
But repressing a mass movement in the name of a charismatic king is one thing. 但是,以国王的名义镇压群众运动是另一回事。
So here we find the extreme instance of men repressing the faculties of the body in order that the spirit may find ample time and opportunity for exercise. 这里,我们看到的是一个人们为了有足够的时间和机会来历练精神而不惜压抑自身肉体机能的极端的例子。