pertaining to the branch of astronomy dealing with the origin and history and structure and dynamics of the universe;
"cosmologic science" "cosmological redshift" "cosmogonic theories of the origin of the universe"
pertaining to the branch of philosophy dealing with the elements and laws and especially the characteristics of the universe such as space and time and causality;
"cosmologic philosophy" "a cosmological argument is an argument that the universe demands the admission of an adequate external cause which is God"
A specific feature of philosophy in the Han dynasty is its stress on cosmology.The discussion of cosmological questions is again related to the discussion of human nature. 摘要汉代哲学发展的一大特色是宇宙论的开展,其中的哲学家谈论人性时将之与宇宙论结合,渐渐将人性等同道德善恶,视为先天。