It was hard walking on the slippery ice in our heavy boots. 我们穿着笨重的皮靴在滑溜溜的冰上很难走。
He wondered if the floor could support the heavy piano. 他担心地板是否承受得住那架沉重的钢琴。
Gold is a heavy metal. 金是重金属。
We had a heavy rain last night. 昨夜下了一场滂沱大雨。
A heavy frost lay over the road, roofs and trees. 道路、房顶和树木上都结着厚厚一层霜。
She must have a heavy purse to have contributed such a large sum of money. 她捐了这么一大笔款子,一定是个有钱人。
I was held up by the heavy traffic. 我被拥挤的交通所延误了。
Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业是用电量大的部门。
Sweet grass like a heavy green carpet grew along the edge of the river. 沿着河边长满了芳草,像是铺着厚实的绿地毯一样。
Heavy lines on the map indicate main roads. 地图上的粗线表示公路干线。
He has a pair of animated eyes under heavy eyebrows. 他的浓眉下面长着一对炯炯有神的眼睛。
There came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac. 从敞开的房门飘来了紫丁香馥郁的香气。
Rescue crews walked three miles from the end of the road into the heavy brush to carry the critically wounded men to an ambulance. 营救人员从公路的尽头走了3英里路,进入茂密的丛林去把重伤员抬上救护车。
Ade is a heavy smoker. 艾德抽烟抽得多。
The aggressors suffered heavy casualties. 侵略者遭到重大的伤亡。
He is laden with heavy responsibility. 他肩负重任。
I got a heavy date for this afternoon. 今天下午我有一个重要的约会。
He went to hospital because of heavy work. 因工作繁重他住进了医院。
Moving that bed was heavy work. 挪动那张床很费劲。
The report makes pretty heavy reading. 这篇报告不好读。
I've had a heavy day. 我今天干活可真够累的。
He went to meet her with a heavy heart. 他怀着沉重的心情去见她。
I must confess that this is a heavy blow. 我必须承认这是一个沉重的打击。
She wore a heavy look, because someone offended her. 她的脸色阴沉沉的,因为有人冒犯了她。
It's a heavy day. 今天是阴天。
Soon after the heavy meal the child had a pain in the stomach. 孩子吃了一餐不易消化的东西以后,马上就觉得肚子痛。
The box is too heavy. 这个箱子太重了。
Aluminium looks heavy but actually it is very light. 铝看起来很重,实际上却很轻。
The expenditure on new furniture is too heavy. 购买新家具的花费太大了。
The taxes on personal property are getting heavier. 个人财产税越来越重。
I went back to our front line, for firing was going heavy again. 因为射击又逐渐猛烈起来,我便返回前线去了。
My timetable is very heavy this term. 这学期我的课程很重。
My head is heavy. 我的头昏沉沉的。
My heart is heavy as lead. 我的心情像铅一样沉重。
The mood here is surprisingly heavy today. 今天这儿的气氛出乎意料地沉闷。
The box is heavier than that one. 这个箱子比那个重。
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The stone is not heavy for its size. 这块石头从它的大小看来并不重。
At that time the odds were heavy against us. 当时形势对我们非常不利。