manifest need显性需求
Manifest D-[美]领土扩张命定说(19世纪反动的扩张主义史观)
Manifest zeal表现出热情
manifest file说明文件
Manifest norm显性规范
Manifest D -[美]领土扩张命定说(19世纪反动的扩张主义史观)
manifest tetany[医] 明显性手足搐搦
manifesting ego表现自我
"the answer is obviously wrong"
"she was in bed and evidently in great pain"
"he was manifestly too important to leave off the guest list"
"it is all patently nonsense"
"she has apparently been living here for some time"
"I thought he owned the property, but apparently not"
"You are plainly wrong"
"he is plain stubborn"