A river is an edge, for one thing, and not simply in the cartographer's sense that it divides one piece of ground from another. 首先,一条河是一个边界,并且不是简单的在地图制作者的意识里那样它把一片土地从另一片上分开。
Map of Taiwan and part of the mainland coast, put together by a French cartographer. 本图由法国皇家水陆制图师根据耶稣会士的纪录绘成,范围包括台湾岛及大陆沿海的一部分。
He told me he would never have found a way out of the thicket if he didn't stumble upon a cartographer's hut. 他告诉我要不是他偶然发现了一个制图师小屋,他永远也找不到离开灌木丛的路。