误He is giving his mind to study English.
正He is giving his mind to studying English.
析give one's mind to表示“专心于…”,其中 to是介词,其后只能跟名词、代词或动名词,不能跟动词不定式。
他们认为考试作弊不是什么可耻的事。误In their minds, cheating at examinations is not something shameful.
正To their minds, cheating at examinations is not something shameful.
析表示“认为”,可用to one's mind,其中的to不能换为in。
他无所用心。误There is nothing on his mind.
正There is nothing in his mind.
他心事重重。误There are too many problems in his mind.
正There are too many problems on his mind.
析在表示“(某人)无所用心”时,要用in one's mind; 在表示“心事重重”时要用on one's mind。
这消息几乎使她神经错乱了。误The news sent her almost off her mind.
正The news sent her almost out of her mind.
他感觉到去掉了一大心事。误He felt a great weight taken out of his mind.
正He felt a great weight taken off his mind.
我心里老放不下这件事。误I cannot get this thing out of my mind.
正I cannot get this thing off my mind.
析习语 out of one's mind的意思是“神经错乱”; off one's mind 的意思是“不再搁在心上,如释重负”。
他母亲去世的消息几乎使他精神错乱。误The news of his mother's death sent him almost out of mind.
正The news of his mother's death sent him almost out of his mind.
离久情疏。误Out of sight, out of your mind.
正Out of sight, out of mind.
析out of mind的意思是“忘怀”; out of one's mind的意思是“神经错乱”。
误Would you mind to close the door for me?
正Would you mind closing the door for me?
你介意我呆会儿来叫你吗?——我不介意。误Do you mind if I call you later? —Yes.
正Do you mind if I call you later? —No, not at all.
析在回答Do you mind...?和Would you mind...?这类问题时,若要表达“不介意”用no; 表达“介意”,用yes。
别在乎天气好坏,今晚来看我。误Don't mind the weather; come and see me this evening.
正Never mind the weather; come and see me this evening.
析mind用于否定的祈使句中时,习惯上只可说“ Never mind...”,却不说“Don't mind...”。