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out to out词汇搭配

out to out的用法和样例
  • turn out to grassvt.放牧(解雇)
  • pour out one's heart to someone向某人诉说衷情...
  • know enough to come in out of the rain知道自我照顾,知道怎样照料自己
  • average out to平均达
  • put out to grass解雇
  • go out to出国到…去
  • one's heart goes out to器官形成物质
  • out of deference to遵从
  • Better to wear out than to rust out.与其锈掉;不如用坏
  • call in Beelzebub to cast out Satan叫魔王赶撒旦,召鬼驱鬼
  • throw out a sprat to catch a mackerel施小惠而得大利
  • know enough to get out of the rain知道自我照顾,知道怎样照料自己
  • put out to leasevt.出租
  • out to it沉睡的, 无知的
  • make someone out to be把某人描写成
  • put it out of someone's power to do
  • throw out a tub to the whalev.转移对方视线
  • throw out a sprat to catch a herring施小惠而得大利
  • not have enough sense to come in out of the rain下雨也不知道进屋里来
  • put someone out to service使某人当佣人
  • out to out怎么读 out to out是什么意思
    adj. 全长的
    out to out的相关资料


    outman(outmanned outmanning)人数胜过,在数量上超过

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